Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's been such a busy summer, and wow it's about over. Can't believe it's the the
1st of Sept. Sure enjoyed the Marshall Reunion in Utah. The daughter has been very gung hoo about saving money at the grocery store with coupons. She's done abolutey fantastic. It's been fun trying to keep up. The hubby's been workin hard driving long hours, and that's no exageration.
So I guess is was about time I checked out Grand Junction's hospital. It's actually very nice, it was time I went to the emergency room, and of course stayed there - ooh about four hours. They were pretty thorough, got to have an EKG & an MRI. They had to rule out that I really didn't have a stroke - and NO I didn't. Just another M.S. episode. It just came about a little different than the others that I've had, so it threw me off also. The numbness and dizziness usually comes and goes. However the wonderful pain in the head hasn't bothered me that bad and come on that strong and quickly for a very long time. But I got the medication I needed. So I should be A-OK in about 2-6 weeks. I was so grateful to my beautiful daughter for being there, we were keeping the happy thoughts flowing. And thank you so much Kim for helping with the grandkids so Kristina could see to her mother, since the hubby was out of town. Now I'm back to super slow mode. But that's OK, I've got plenty of my hobbies to keep me on the up side.