Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just Asking you to keep your mind open on this....

My thoughts are overflowing tonight, how to help people understand the need for Medical Marijuana, because I am one of the millions of them that have a need for Medical Marijuana. I think the general public isn’t being given the current education of the benefits for those that are sick, most people here the name marijuana and think of a person just getting high. The misunderstandings that are out there, and the never ending debates and constant re-voting for it to be legal, is quite sad. YES it should be legal the question is how should it be distributed; let’s work on this thought TOGHER! This old natural medication, is greatly needed for a variety of sick people.
I have Multiple Sclerosis, and I have to deal with “numerous symptoms”. Among them is the chronic pain that I have every day is in varying degrees, and each night is a challenge to sleep.  While I was living in Colorado, I was able to give the Medical Marijuana a try. No..I didn’t smoke a joint, however that’s the typical way. Still, I can’t do that, I need to take it differently, I found it very useful and easy on my system to have a little candy, or “Tincture” (a liquid drop) before I go to bed. During this time I was also able to cut back on my prescription narcotics. My days were then better, I could walk longer, and get around on my own longer, I’ve had more good days than not. I still had to deal with “numerous symptoms”, but at least I felt alive. My family had noticed a difference, and my friends in Idaho could see a difference. I had gotten a license in Colorado and was able to get this at a “Dispensary”, the special store.  Now in parts of Colorado they are re-voting on how the Medical Marijuana should be distributed. Many Dispensaries have already had to close!! I no longer had access to the Dispensary I had gone to!!! Even worse in Idaho, no law in favor and no Dispensaries!!! Already my strength is leaving me and the pain is wearing on me. My medication intake is going back up to where it was. (I do hate to beg)
There are many deceases, and I’m not an expert on which decease is worse than the other, but I think we can all agree that cancer is one that’s on top of the list. Many cancer patients have used medical marijuana, and they didn’t just get through their treatments with this, but survived because of it. Some needed to use this along with the chemotherapy and/or radiation to help with the sickness that came from those awful procedures. Others have needed to use this more for their main source of healing and survival. And because of this wonderful Canibus Sativa Natural Herb they are now living.
 I personally know of someone that recovered completely from breast cancer. This was amazing because she had been through this years before, having had breast cancer previously, it had come back even worse. She was one, in which the doctors felt she should start saying her goodbyes to her family, recovery this time wasn’t very hopeful. Nevertheless they encouraged her to proceed with the typical chemotherapy and Radiation.
She continued with those treatments however thank goodness this person knew exactly what she really needed. And that was the Medical Marijuana. She got a license, which was needed for in Colorado, for the Medical Marijuana. Proceeded to use what she needed and not only got through all those awful treatments, but is now cancer free!!
I admire her strength and determination in taking what she knew what would work for her. However even she, is now struggling to be able to continue with her medication to keep herself cancer free – THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!
Thank you for reading